Timeline gantt improvements

The timeline is where I plan most tasks, for time and resources

but it has several drawbacks that make it unusable for me

  1. cannot add new tasks
  2. cannot move tasks vertically in the list
  3. cannot delete tasks
  4. it does not show the day of the week

working on the gantt timeline is the best way to have a overview of the project, it span in time, its number of tasks, and to what tasks resources are assigned

I need to:
A. Add, delete, move (vertically) the tasks from the timeline view
B. be able to see the day of the week on the captions, this info is critical to be able to move tasks around

working on the timeline will allow me to see the effect of the changes I make to a task, or teh effect of adding or removing tasks on the projects

woking with task on the task view is too restrictive, and I will have to rearrange the tasks later in teh timeline view

I hope you can work on allowing this

it would be great to have the timeline view available on the mobile devices too.