Mobile First with Widget More Integrations UX + UI Level Up (think MS To Do List and Samsung Notes)

Solid Work Team Smart!
Work is done on a PC but we stay on top via our mobile.
Can we see the introduction of a Smart Task Widget called ‘Stay On Top’

We can choose which project can be viewed by widget, we can even setup multiple executions of the widget with a high level overview of a particular project. This helps stay on top of Marketing Campaign project, work in progress project, business development project etc…
Upon tapping it takes us to the detailed task/item where we can see collaborator/client from CRM. From here we can tap on other details to go deeper - for example clicking on collaborator or client will open up their card with options to call (native phone call or twilio if connected), SMS or even email. Any attachments can be viewed by tapping. We can even view notes left specific on this project/task by any collaborator, even notes about client (project/item specific or a highlighted ‘global’ tab if the same client was interacted with on another project - so full history of calls/sms/emails/notes) This is where integration with our email account is crucial - any emails sent/received by the client in the past a subject line with time etc… will be synced and viewable.
Having tags on a client is awesome - we can take this a step up where we can email/sms all clients with a specific tag for whatever reason - outage, service disruptions, special offer, stocktake sale.
Smart Task is great, but very rigid and standalone, definitely NOT mobile first. Smart Task has the ability to disrupt a niche for small business that have remote workforce, a field workforce. Smart Task has the ability to be the core and hub of a business CRM with project management flex by easily integrating with more mature players in their respective industry. Smart Task has the ability for non tech business solution centric people to take up Smart Task.

Lets keep this thread going and juices flowing…