Add custom fields to task names

Would love the ability to customize job names based on certain placeholders so they are more meaningful.

Something like below where you can insert “Tax Return for {Year-n}” for a recurring task so the task name would auto update each year to Tax Return for 2021, Tax Return for 2022, etc.

Use the following text placeholders to format the name of the job:

  • {Month} - the month the job is scheduled to start, e.g. January
  • {Month+n} - where ‘n’ is the number of months after the job is scheduled to start
  • {Month-n} - where ‘n’ is the number of months before the job is scheduled to start
  • {Period} - the period of the job, e.g. 01-Jan-2010 to 31-Jan-2010
  • {Year} - the year the job is scheduled to start, e.g. 2011
  • {Year+n} - where ‘n’ is the number of years after the job is scheduled to start
  • {Year-n} - where ‘n’ is the number of years before the job is scheduled to start

This seems like something that can be addressed with